Project activities

8. Overview of all activities – Project "Building healthy communities, changing opportunities"

Activity and venue (including Transnationa l Project Meetings, Intellectual Outputs and Multiplier Sport Events) Start date End date Target group(s) Description of activity


Project Launch and preparation phase (to be implemented on local level)

January 2018

February 2018

The partner promoters

The Applicant organization MUNDUS BULGARIA has announced the official project start by informing all partners for its approval, signing the grant agreement with EACEA and has started to prepare the 1 st official Kick off meeting. In terms of preparation, the partner organizations have done an internal meeting with their staff members, in order to make sure that everybody is informed about the current project, can contribute and be involved.


Kick off meeting
Venue: Sofia, BULGARIA


Unit members,

The kick off meeting gave the official start of the project implementation and aimed at consolidating the working relations between the partner promoters and foster the strategic planning for the whole project period. Partners have reviewed, discussed and agreed upon all the activities and established a clear plan regarding their further implementation on local level.


Local training
activities and
raising actions
in each partner

March 2018

October 2018

team of local
partners, local

March – April 2018: Partners have worked on the preparation of local training and workshop on Education through Sport in which 6 local community workers, sport leaders and NGO staff has participated. The target group for whom the training and practical workshop was prepared has committed on further engagement until the project end.

The team of local delegates was composed of different figures in a way to spread at maximum the project impact, achieve more productive results and multiplying effect.

May – June 2018: Local trainings composed of theoretical explanations regarding Education through Sport methodology were held in each partner country by the responsible promoter. The training activity was followed by a demonstration of ETS and practical workshop for participants, in which they had the chance to explore the ETS methodology and achieved understanding for mastering it.

The team of local delegates was trained on how to use Non Formal education and Education through sport for work with youth, youngsters with fewer opportunities and NEET etc. At the end of the training activity participants achieved a common understanding regarding the methodology and its further practice within the structures they are involved in.

July – September 2018: local participants has practiced the methodology with small groups of participants during their daily work with youngsters, and have tried to deepen their knowledge and strengthen their capacity to implement it properly in front of a larger


planning and
Limassol, Cyprus

November 2018

Unit members,

This transnational meeting, has gathered the Project Coordination Unit representatives for proceeding to the planning of the next project stage, as well as for evaluating the work done so far in the partner countries. The Partners have discussed the results achieved in each country and planned the actions of the second project working stream, dedicated to the actions that their local delegates were undertaking all along the next year.


Local actions
on promotion of sport culture,
Education through Sport
and volunteering in
Sports in each partner country.

November 2018

May 2019

Local teams of trained delegates,
associated partners, partner promoters, local society and the society at large

The teams of trained local delegates have worked closely with the partner organizations’ representatives in each country.

November 2018 – February 2019: The 6 trained leaders have prepared the local workshops using ETS methodology under guidance of the partners. The use of the ETS methodology implied the development of new ETS exercises, to be implemented and tested during the local workshops with youth in each country. The newly developed ETS exercises were documented for the creation of the handbook, which the project delivers as final output, also available on this platform.

November 2018 – April 2019: The local delegates have visited schools, youth and sport clubs and centers, voluntary organizations. Trained educators have invited diverse youth target groups for participation in the local workshops and have tested the newly produced ETS exercises, with the aim of promoting sport and physical activeness among young people on local level.

As a result, the implementation of 2 local workshops for groups of local youth was done in each partner country. The local workshops were held by the ETS methodology and trained delegates have employed the newly developed by them exercises, connected with the methodology, in order to promote sport culture and sport for all, as well as for enhancing healthy behaviors among local youth. Trained local leaders have also act as role models in regards of raising awareness regarding volunteering engagement and volunteering in sports through the activities which they have proposed.


Mid term

VENUE: Sofia,

June 2019

representatives, partner

This transnational meeting has served to evaluate the overall results achieved at that stage and to plan the elaboration of the project outputs in the next working phase. Therefore, the success of the implementation of the local activities was also evaluated, through the satisfaction of all target groups and stakeholders, either the partners, either the teams of local representatives, either the groups of youth, stakeholders and associated partners reached by them.


Production of project output – to be held on international level through
the collaboration and the support of all partners.

June 2019

September 2019


During this project work stream partners proceeded to the documentation of workshops and ETS exercises that have been developed during the previous project stage. Each partner was responsible to prepare a written material and to work in collaboration for designing the final content and producing the output. The produced handbook is targeted all interested users such as sport coaches, PE teachers, trainers, educators, mentors, NGO staff and any kind of educational practitioners willing to learn how to use sport as a tool for work with youth. The publication is being distributed through all available channels published and online in English language.


Venue: Sofia,

November 2019

Unit, partner

This meeting proceeds to the final evaluation of the project achievements and will assess whether and to which extent the project objectives and the related results have been obtained. It will assess the relevance of the methodologies and approaches used for its implementation and will review the involvement of various direct and indirect target groups, stakeholders and associated partners. The final meeting will assess to which extent target groups have been reached by the project and how their involvement in further processes could be sustained in the future.

Partners will also share their visions on the project achievements in view of setting up further recommendations for common collaboration. The meeting will as well provide a space to set up recommendations for future actions related to education through sport and volunteering in sports, as well as the promotion of healthy lifestyle and behaviours at larger scale. A report which will serve as guidelines of the strategic plan for cooperation will be delivered further on.