Basketball mix

Basketball mix

Basketball mix

The activity is suitable to use for tackle awareness about tolerance and solidarity.

Number of people to be involved

2 Equal teams of people not more than 10 in each

Space and Technical requirements

A Sport hall or a pitch
Ball for basket ball
Bibs to separate the teams

Session Objectives
(expected learning outcomes)

Basketball Mix aims to teach learners about tolerance, solidarity and gender equality.
The social importance of training is directed at non-discrimination, inclusion in the social group – a team where respect for human rights grows in a positive attitude towards people.

  The session step by step (with timing and responsibilities)



15 – 20 minutes

Before training begins, participants need to make a short warm up. Some specific basketball-related exercises could be done in this case.

Then the trainer divides the trainees into two teams, one consisting entirely of girls and the other only by boys. The game is entirely subject to the rules of normal basketball. The instructor instructs the teams of boys and girls to observe the basketball rules by monitoring the time (10 minutes) needed to complete the exercise.

15 minutes

Part 2
In this part, the rules of the game are changed by the trainer. Each team chooses a captain who is required to include all players in his team in the next game in of 15 minutes. The trainer gives each team a small piece of paper with a specific instruction that should not be displayed to others when playing. The tasks that are placed on the participants are:

For the boys:

  1. Be indifferent to the game.
  2. Bring the ball inaccurately to your partners.
  3. You can not catch the ball.
  4. Shoot in the basket from an uncomfortable position.
  5. Continually mutter and disconcert with your teammates.
  6. Play normally or walking.

For girls:

  1. Be super enthusiastic.
  2. Encourage your teammates.
  3. Guide your teammates.
  4. Do not allow the opponent to shoot at the basket even at the cost of a violation.
  5. Play for the audience and look for their support.

Once everyone has received their assignments and understood the nature of the instructions, the game can begin. The trainer warns participants that they will be penalized if they do not perform the tasks assigned to them.

15 minutes

Part 3
In this part both teams are made up of an equal number of boys and girls. The team captains determine which three boys and two girls will start the first half. The second part includes 3 girls and 2 boys in each team. The team captains monitor all players in the game and keep the status quo 3 + 2 or 2 + 3. The trainer again gives instructions to the participants, which they should not show to others.
The tasks are:

  1. Encourage your teammates
  2. Be super enthusiastic
  3. Guide the girls / boys
  4. Play normally
  5. Do not be selfish – give the ball on
    your teammates as quickly as possible
  6. Congratulate your teammates and opponents for each labeled basket
  7. Let them notice you – do not stop running, move.

The idea is through the game to involve all the participants so that the trainer could keep track whether all participants are included by their captains.

30 minutes

This training is geared towards inclusion in the social group-team, where there is no discrimination and raising awareness of gender equality. The game is a reflection of our surrounding reality, where tolerance, respect for human rights grows in a positive attitude towards others and others. To make sure we have achieved the desired learning effect, we ask the following questions to the participants:

  1. How did you feel about the game at the start?
  2. How do you feel?
  3. Which part do you like the most and why?
  4. Did you learn anything from the game?
  5. What made you the most strong impression?
  6. How do you link the game to reality?
  7. What would you use from this game in reality?
  8. If the game is life, can we say that life is a game?
  9. Would you participate again in the game?
  10. Would you recommend it to your friends?


(Synthesis of emerging key issues, most important outputs, results of the session – that will be included in the report)

Secure the place of activity – safety is first! Explain very well the rules of all participants; Make sure they understand them!
Take the time and attention needed for debriefing. The question may be:
What happened during the game?
How did you feel during the exercise?
do you know people in this state in the real life?
Did you learn anything new about yourself?
Did you manage to work together?
What problems did you have getting organised?
What responsibility did each group member have?
How could they improve their performance?
What skills did you need?
How do you feel?
Did you enjoy the game?
What did you like/dislike about it?
Is it an activity you would use/adapt for others?