Multicultural volleyball

Multicultural volleyball

Multicultural Volleyball

This activity is suitable for teaching communication and equality

Number of people to be involved

2 teams of 10 pers. Max. Total of 20 participants

Space and Technical requirements

A simple volleyball pitch, whether in a school yard or on a beach or sport-hall. At least one volleyball in order for the participants to play with. The activity is to be played with even numbers (total of around 10-12) of people from two different communities

Session Objectives
(expected learning outcomes)

The objectives of this activity is to prevent discrimination and promote communications between different communities/nationalities living in one place, through communication in a common language and learning of each other’s languages

  The session step by step (with timing and responsibilities)



10 minutes

A simple warm up consisting of stretches and a short jog takes place.

10 minutes

Part One
The trainer should split the teams according to nationality at first and then let a short session of volleyball (where the usual rules of volleyball apply).

15 minutes

Part two
Now the trainer should mix the participants so there is an even (or near even) number of people from both nationalities on both teams, and should tell the participants that they can only communicate in a common language (ideally neither one’s mother-tongue), and there should be a points penalty when this rule is breached.

30 minutes

Part three
Next the trainer should instruct the participants to teach each other phrases useful in the game to each other in each nationality’s mother-tongue, and both teams should use one of the mother-tongues for short periods of the game (for example one team Turkish and one team Greek), and then switch and use the other mother-tongue.

30 minutes

Trainer should ask questions to the participants about their thoughts on the topic what they learnt in the activity.
For example:

Have you communicated much with this community before?

Do you think you will be able to communicate better with this other community now?

Have you ever been encouraged to interact with that community?

Did this activity help change your perspective on people form this community at all? Etc.


(Synthesis of emerging key issues, most important outputs, results of the session – that will be included in the report)

Beware for any tension between participants of different communities/nationalities (i.e. of any discrimination), and if you notice any maybe change the teams of one of these participants. If someone isn’t being involved much try changing the position they are playing in.
Also make sure you give the participants plenty of time to communicate between parts 2 and 3, so they can learn new phrases of another language (this period can also be used as a water break for example). Do also note that realistically this activity can be done with many team sports (like football, basketball) if volleyball isn’t popular in your country.