Ultimate frisbee

Ultimate frisbee

Ultimate frisbee

This exercise is a simple three-step introduction to non-formal education and shows the difference between using education by, for and through sport. The session is an eye-opener about how sport can be used as a tool to develop social competencies. The issues addressed include conflict resolution, inclusion and participation.

Number of people to be involved

2 teams of not more than 10 people in each

Space and Technical requirements

Big sport hall or enough outside space to play

Session Objectives
(expected learning

  • To develop social competences
  • To understand and reflect upon our own behavior and behaviour of others
  • To understand team work

  The session step by step (with timing and responsibilities)



15 – 20 minutes

Usually a ETS session start with short warm up – In this case you can start with usual frisbee play for some minutes.
Then the facilitator introduces that there will be a play of Ultimate Frisbee game in which there will be 3 parts of playing the game all of them for 10 minutes.
Education for sport
The idea is that participants learn what is the game of ultimate Frisbee and to play in 2 teams against each other. The time of playing is 10 minutes.
Facilitator explains the technique of throwing and catching the Frisbee:
The rules of Ultimate Frisbee say that the teams play against each other and the team that scores is the one that has passed the Frisbee 10 times inside the team without letting it go on the ground.

15 minutes

Education by sport
The objective is the same but participants need to make sure that each team member has touched the Frisbee at least once in view of having the 10 passes. Time of play is 10 min.

15 minutes

Education through Sport
The aim of the game is still the same but before the play each participant from both teams takes a card given by facilitator and shall act according to the assignment written on the card. Also participants shall not say to others what there is written on their card.
The assignments are the following:
– Pass to the other team
– Try to include everyone
– Pass only to one person
– Lead your team
– Play normal

30 – 40 minutes

Debriefing according to KOLB’s cycle
Facilitator starts by reviewing what was happening during the activity.
Following questions can be used:
1. Reflective observation:
What was happening during the first part?
Were the instructions clear and did you learn how to play ultimate Frisbee?
Do you feel you can perform Ultimate Frisbee in terms of sport performance?
How was the 2nd part?
How did you cope with the limitations?
How did you feel? Did you feel more included in the game then the 1st part?
Did the team work functioned well?
Were you under pressure because everyone shall touch the Frisbee?
What happened in the last part?
How did you feel in your roles?
How did you perceive the behavior of others?
Do you think it happens to behave like this in some everyday life situations?
2. Abstract conceptualization:
What did you learn out of this experience?
3. Active experimentation:
Can you apply this experience and what you have learned out of it in reality?
How will you do it?