team building

The pyramid

The pyramid Activity suitable for team and trust building Number of people to be involved 2 teams of 3 or 4 participants in each Space and Technical requirements (materials) Sport hall or pitch, basketball ball, bibs. Session Objectives (expected learning outcomes) Team building, team work, trust building, basic sports competition.    The session step by.

The blindfold game

The blindfold game Game suitable to build trust, as well to tackle issues of inclusion of handicaps/differences Number of people to be involved 2 teams of not more of 5 participants in each Space and Technical requirements (materials) Depends on you for obstacle course, for sure scarf or sth to close eyes, balls, etc. and.

Volleyball with no hands

Volleyball with no hands Activity suitable to be used for teambuilding and inclusion Number of people to be involved 2 teams of 5-6 people in each Space and Technical requirements (materials) Sport hall, volleyball, sashs Session Objectives (expected learning outcomes) Teambuilding, team work, communication, see how disabled works   The session step by step (with.